
Michael’s paper has been covered by the media

The paper by Michael Makoto Martinsen, Kairi Yoshino, Yuya Kinzuka, Fumiaki Sato, Assistant Professor Tamura, Professor Minami, and Professor Nakauchi, titled “Facial ambiguity and perception: How face-likeness affects breaking time in continuous flash suppression” (Journal of Vision, 24(9):18, 1–14,, has been featured on various media outlets


A paper by Yuya Hasegawa has been published.

A paper by Yuya Hasegawa, a member of our laboratory, Hideki Tamura, an assistant professor of our laboratory, and Shigeki Nakauchi and Tetsuto Minami, professors of our laboratory, has been published.

Interaction between Facial Expression and Color in Modulating ERP P3, Yuya Hasegawa, Hideki Tamura, Shigeki Nakauchi and Tetsuto Minami, eNeuro 10 January 2025, 12(1);

A paper by Yuya Hasegawa and Asst. Prof Hideki Tamura has been published.

A paper by Yuya Hasegawa, a member of our laboratory, Hideki Tamura, an assistant professor of our laboratory, Yuzuka Yamada, a member of our laboratory, Yohei Ishiguro, a co-researcher (Pias Corporation), and Shigeki Nakauchi and Tetsuto Minami, professors of our laboratory, has been published.

Yuya Hasegawa, Hideki Tamura, Tama Kanematsu, Yuzuka Yamada, Yohei Ishiguro, Shigeki Nakauchi, and Tetsuto Minami, “Visual cues for moisture perception of facial skin: a pilot study on the effects of enhancing high-spatial-frequency components of skin lightness to decrease perceived moisture levels in young Asian observers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 42, B23-B33 (2025).

A paper by Michael Makoto Martinsen has been published.

A new paper by Michael Makoto Martinsen and Kairi Yoshino has been published in the Journal of Vision. Lab-members Dr. Yuya Kinzuka, Dr. Fumiaki Sato, Asst. Prof. Hideki Tamura, Prof. Tetsuto Minami, and Prof. Shigeki Nakauchi also contributed to this paper. The publication, titled “Facial ambiguity and perception: How face-likeness affects breaking time in continuous flash suppression”, explores the mechanisms of facial recognition and how ambiguous face-like stimuli are processed under unconscious conditions using continuous flash suppression (CFS).

The key finding was that binary faces (similar to Mooney Faces), especially those with higher face-likeness, resulted in shorter breaking time, even when presented unconsciously. This suggests that even minimal facial cues can significantly influence how quickly ambiguous stimuli are brought to awareness.

Martinsen, M. M., Yoshino, K., Kinzuka, Y., Sato, F., Tamura, H., Minami, T., & Nakauchi, S. (2024). Facial ambiguity and perception: How face-likeness affects breaking time in continuous flash suppression. Journal of Vision, 24(9):18, 1–14,

A paper by Hasegawa has been published.

A paper by Yuya Hasegawa, a member of our laboratory, Hideki Tamura, an assistant professor of our laboratory, and Shigeki Nakauchi and Tetsuto Minami, professors of our laboratory, has been published.

Yuya Hasegawa, Hideki Tamura, Shigeki Nakauchi, Tetsuto Minami; Facial expressions affect the memory of facial colors. Journal of Vision 2024;24(5):14.