Conference Information : June

Following members of our laboratory will attend an academic conferences for presentations held this month.

第6回多元質感知領域班会議 (2018/6/27 – 6/29)

Study Title :   光沢感における質感と音声の干渉現象
Author :   若松滉太,權眞煥,坂本真樹,中内茂樹
Format :   Poster
Date :   6/27-28


Conference Information : May

Following members of our laboratory will attend an academic conferences for presentations held this month.

Vision Sciences Society 2018 Annual Meeting (2018/5/18 – 5/23) @Tradewinds Island Resorts, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA

Study Title :   Color statistics underlying pregerence judgement for art paintings
Author :   S. Nakauchi, T. Kondo, H. Higashi, J. Linhares, S. Nascimento
Format :   Poster
Date :   5/21

Study Title :   Distinguishing Mirror from Glass
Author :   Hideki Tamura, Konrad E Prokott, Roland W Fleming
Format :   Poster
Date :   5/19

Study Title :   Sound symbolism expressing visual texture on different linguistic backgrounds
Author :   Wakamatsu, K., Kwon J., Sakamoto, M., Nakauchi, S.
Format :   Poster
Date :   5/21

Study Title :   The differential effect of glowing appearance in the glare illusion: evidence from pupillometry
Author :   Y. Suzuki, T. Minami, B.Laeng, S. Nakauchi
Format :   Poster
Date :   5/21

Study Title :   Association between pupil constriction and aesthetic preference/naturalness in art-paintings
Author :   Y. Taniyama, Y. Suzuki, T. Kondo, T. Minami, S. Nakauchi
Format :   Poster
Date :   5/21

Study Title :   Color ambiguity as in #thedress induced by T-shirt image based on physically-based rendering
Author :   K. Shiromi, H. Higashi, M. Shehata, S. Nakauchi, S. Shimojo
Format :   Poster
Date :   5/19


The homepage has been redesigned

The homepage of our laboratory has been updated to FY2018 edition.
This year, the webpage is designed based on our laboratory’s corporate color blue, with multi-language compatible pages.

Please continue your favors towards us.

Announcing a Lab tour for B3 students

At our Lab (VPAC), we are currently having a laboratory tour for B3 students which will be assigned to a lab next year.

Date of Lab opening 2018/3/2 (Fri),3/5 Mon)
Opening hours 10:00 – 16:00
Location Building F2 7th floor (F2-702-1)

Lab introductions by Prof.Nakauchi will be starting from 13:00 on 3/2 and introductions by Prof.Higashi on 3/5. We will be waiting for student who is interested joining our lab.

Lab tour will be held also by Cognitive Neurotechnology Unit (認知神経工学研究室). For more information, please visit the following link. (Webpage of Cognitive Neurotechnology Unit)

Conference Information : March

Following members of our laboratory will attend an academic conferences for presentations held this month.

第5回多元質感知領域班会議 (2018/3/5 – 3/7)

Study Title :   鏡・ガラス材質の識別・生成・編集
Author :   田村秀希, K. Eugen Prokott, Roland W.Fleming
Format :   Poster
Date :   3/5

Study Title :   絵画に対する選好と色彩統計量との関係
Author :   近藤泰成, 東広志, Sergio M.C. Nascimento, 中内茂樹
Format :   Poster
Date :   3/5

Study Title :   質感と結びつく音象徴語 : 言語普遍的な質感音象徴を探して
Author :   若松滉太,權眞煥,坂本真樹,中内茂樹
Format :   Poster
Date :   3/5